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Updated information 10/8/24- PTO “ Thunder Vista Fun Run Wednesday, October 9th"

Updated information 10/8/24- PTO “ Thunder Vista Fun Run Wednesday, October 9th"

Updated 10/8/24

The Fun Run is TOMORROW!  We are $3,729 away from our goal!

Things to remember for tomorrow: 

1. All students need to fill out this waiver.

2. Have students wear their Super Fun Run tshirts that came home last week.

3. Middle School: we have pivoted from a color run to a Foam Party Fun Run, so bring a towel and sunglasses or goggles! 

4. Park and enter the Fun Run at the back of the school, except preschool will be in their playground area.

5. Get those donations in!

Fun Run Times: 

PreK AM: 8:05-8:20am

K-1st: 8:30-9:30am

2-3rd: 9:45-10:45am

PreK PM: 12:15-12:30pm

4-5th: 1-2pm

MS: 2:15-3pm


We look forward to a busy, fun filled day!  Remember you are welcome to come and cheer on your students.  Thank you to everyone who has helped make this event a success!  


Updated 10/7/24

It’s hard to believe, but we are down to our last few days before the Fun Run, and we are down to only $8,347 left of our $50,000 goal. If your kids want to see Coach Malanga get his hair cut now is the time to get those donations in.  We need all the students to have this waiver filled out before Wednesday.

Fun Run Times: 

PreK AM: 8:05-8:20am

K-1st: 8:30-9:30am

2-3rd: 9:45-10:45am

PreK PM: 12:15-12:30pm

4-5th: 1-2pm

MS: 2:15-3pm



Update 10/4/24

We are “cutting” away at that $50,000 goal. As of today we are $10,512 away!

Keep it up! 

Every student should have received a t-shirt on Thursday. Plus, the $75 individual prize of Thunder Vista socks went home too.

We can’t wait to see all that Thunder Vista spirit on Wednesday!


We are over two weeks into the Fun Run with 14 days to go!

We have raised $21,055 of our $50,000 goal!  


Let’s Celebrate: 

In addition to individual prizes for donation levels, we also have some class and school wide challenges. We have some winners!

Pizza Party: 1st Class to reach $1,000!

Mrs. Knight, 3rd grade

Mrs. Iversen, 3rd grade

Mrs. Tunget, Middle School Advisory

(Okay, so there should only be one, but these came in so quick we couldn’t pick one!)


Chicken Tenders Party: 1st Class to reach $2,000

Mrs. Iversen, 3rd grade


Churros Party: 1st Class with 100% Registration

Ms. Tennant, 2nd Grade


We have two class prizes left up for grabs! First class to reach $3,000 will get a hamburger party and first class to have 50% of the class with donations will receive a donut party! It looks like Mrs. Knights class is in the lead, but will they be able to make it to $3,000 before someone else sneaks by and wins the party?



Prizes are being distributed twice a week. We are pushing items out in waves, so if your student hasn’t received all their prizes yet don’t worry we have a spreadsheet and a plan. 


What is the Fun Run?

Besides being the largest fundraiser of the year, the Fun Run is quite simply a 25 minute run for the kids.  We will set up a track behind the school where students will run and walk around the track.  The kids are encouraged to take their time, take water breaks, and walk when needed or the whole time if they choose.  If you are able to come watch you will see some kids trying to break world records, and others just out enjoying the day walking along with their friends.  


What does this mean for me, as a parent?

We promise, this is easy. When you register your student you will receive a personalized link that you can text or email to family and friends to get donations.  Please be sure to use your students name and select their teacher (middle school will be their advisory teacher) when registering, you can click this link for a detailed video on registration.On the day of the Fun Run, October 9th, we will divide up students by grade levels, and you are welcome to come cheer on the kids.  


Are there any changes from last year?

Obviously, the biggest change is the change of platform, which is from us not using a third party.  Without a third party, we will retain a much larger percentage of donations and there are less class disruptions. All students will be getting a Super Thunder Vista Fun Run shirt to wear for the Fun Run.  Plus, we were able to set our prizes.  


What is the color run?

The color run is done for the middle school students.  We will have bottles of "color" (it's cornstarch), to spray at the students as they run by.  A majority of the kids wanted to get as colored as possible so it is messy and we recommend not wearing anything too nice. 


As always, you can reach us at if you have any questions! We will update and answer more questions again next week! Keep those donations rolling in and thank you for supporting Thunder Vista PTO! 

Fun Run times:

PK AM 8:05-8:20am 

K-1st - 8:30-9:30am

2-3rd - 9:45-10:45am 

PK PM -12:15-12:30pm 

4-5th - 1-2pm 

MS -  2:15-3pm 

Kona Ice at 3pm


Sarah, Katie, Jennie, Chelsey, Mandy, Christian, Leslie, Rachel & Liza